The MIHA survey is conducted by the UCSF Center for Health Equity in collaboration with the Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health (MCAH) Division and the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Division at the California Department of Public Health. The major goals of the MIHA project are to collect population-based data allowing for the ongoing monitoring of key maternal and infant health outcomes and access to maternal and infant health services in California, serving as an information resource for the development, targeting, implementation, and monitoring of intervention programs funded by MCAH. MIHA is an annual mail, telephone, and web survey of over 5,000 postpartum birthing people in California, with methods modeled on CDC’s Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System. MIHA and PRAMS questionnaires have many shared elements. MIHA is designed to permit examination of social disparities in maternal and infant health, as well as population health overall.
The MIHA Data Snapshots provide estimates of maternal and infant health indicators drawn from the MIHA survey.